An asset management system is an application to manage, track and monitor company assets with ease and efficiency. With the help of RFID technology, an automated tracking and faster inventory of assets is possible. The burden of doing inventory of assets on a yearly basis which consumes a lot of manpower is now answered. With Asset Pro®, a monthly inventory can be done with ease with the use of RFID.

Asset Pro® is an Asset Management System developed by Golden Aurum System Solutions Inc. This aims the ease of managing fixed assets with the use of RFID technology  and may be combined with QR code and/or barcode.

Asset Pro®



Our Technology


Manage fixed assets with the use of RFID technology  and may be combined with QR code and/or barcode.

Proper asset assignment and accountability.

Reduce equipment downtime through better planning on equipment maintenance.

Identify the asset and inventory whereabouts especially those deployed for specific projects.

Conduct timely asset reconciliation during audit.

Keep in touch

Designed to help you with current assets, fixed assets and tangible assets. Asset Pro® mobile app can help your organization collect better data and in real-time, improving your asset management processes and communication between departments.


Asset Pro® Mobile App
